Finally! A Step-By-Step Strategy That ANYONE Can Trade...
Using What is Probably
The World's Simplest Forex Trading Strategy...
How Much Money Could You Make Grabbing just 50 pips EVERY day?

Imagine this...
What if you can extract 50 pips every day from the Forex market?
How would that change your life?
I've got some BAD news for you!
Forex is about to change... forever.
You're success is dependent on what you choose to do from here.
The complicated "systems" and "black boxes" are a thing of the past.
Your trading is going to change right now.
It's not about fancy technology. It's about tried, tested and proven methods.
Did you know that the GBP/USD currency pair moves around 130 pips every day?
... and that the EUR/USD pair typically moves more than 140 pips every day?...
That's nearly 300 pips each and every day on these two pairs alone!
Now, consider just a few of the other major currency pairs, and
we've got well over 1000+ pips of movement EVERY day.
Grabbing a measly 50 pips each day from this movement is very realistic.
Forex is not a Get Rich Scheme. But if you work on it with a consistent system,
then with time, you might reach there.
If you're thinking this system is a "magic pill" then I recommend that you rethink your
trading objectives because your mindset needs major fine tuning.
However, if you're looking for a simple, step-by-step strategy to make consistent profits,
then you're in the right place.
Do you know the most significant thing that separates amateur traders from pro traders?
It's confidence... confidence in their trading strategy.
When you trade, are you apprehensive about whether your next trade is going to be a winner or a loser?
Do you get anxious and close trades early - or even revenge trade, making silly "mistakes", that you regret just minutes later?
All these can easily be stopped! There is no need for this.
It's true that ...
Professional Traders Are Different To Other Traders
They don't have "secret" systems, or "fancy" indicators. They do have something else though.
They have a PROCESS. I know this may sound strange - but I'm deadly serious!
They know that there are many ways to trade profitably - and that it all starts with a solid strategy.
Pro traders know there is no "set and forget" systems out there
- they've been there, done that and bought the t-shirt!
Your success comes from taking a solid strategy and making it your own.
It's like making sure you have solid foundations upon which to build you house
- the house is only as good as the foundation it is built on.
I'm really talking here to traders here who are fed-up with the garbage that other people pass off as Forex "products".
If you've got a reasonable amount of brains, then you're not the type to fall for the promises of "overnight" riches.
I'm certainly not talking about overnight riches. No. I'm talking about steady progress, using a proven strategy, and using common sense to profit from the markets.
I am just talking about taking 50 pips a day from the market based on volatile movements.
And it's really quite doable even for beginners.

50 Pips A Day™ is a tried and tested strategy that has stood the test of time
Does it guarantee 50 pips every day? Of course not.
Nothing is certain in the Forex market.
If ever any one guarantees you anything especially in trading, run for the doors quick!
Using this System as your trading foundation, you will have a solid strategy to use as your process. This process is how you will improve, over time, to really pull big money from Forex. With enough practice, this system can transform you into a High Profitable Professional Trader.
So What Am I Getting in the 50 Pips a Day System?
You're getting a total step-by-step trading strategy that you can download instantly.
Here are what recent customers have said about 50 Pips A Day™...
I have just purchased "50 pips a Day" this morning and have read through it. I found the manual very easy to understand and written in such a way that the strategy is clear and concise.It is refreshing to find a Forex Manual as good as this. A good system, a good price and guess what...NO PADDING
Bill P.
After years of testing and analyzing trading systems and methodologies, 50 Pips A Day is a breath of fresh air. It is a logical system relying on core technical fundamentals that withstands the test of time and comprehensive in its simplicity covering all aspects of a trading plan. A true blueprint for success for all levels.
Richard S.
I have always used candles, but can see the the benefit of using the bar charts for clearer opening and closing positions. After reading the rules they seem very logical to the point I will be using a demo account for a short period before having a serious bank to work from. I feel confident I have made the correct decision purchasing "50 pips a day
Have read the book twice and it looks awesome. Will start practice run this coming week. I am a newbie and lots of systems make big promises. What I like the most is that I actually have to think before making the move. My discretion and not auto pilot. Thanks guys.
Very easy to implement strategy and is based mainly on price action... I bought this strategy mainly because it is focused on Price Action rather than lagging indicators.
I like this strategy for its simplicity. Looking back over my charts I can see one distinct advantage of this method is that it will cut down on the number of trades thereby increasing the potential of the trades that do present themselves.
I downloaded 50 Pips Day a few days ago. I just got a chance to go through it. After testing it out a little on a practice account, it looks to be just the thing for which I've been looking. A straightforward strategy that is easy to implement and yields nice results. Thanks for your help!
At last...a system and strategy that a relative beginner can actually follow and benefit from. This has proven to be a system I can follow and understand. Thank you so much for the simplicity. I can't tell you how much I've spent searching for something that was not so confusing and loaded down with complexity that I would eventually give up and put it on the shelf. I'm already having great success. You have made it so much easier...Thanks!
I just purchased and read through the 50 pips/day ebook. I wanted to tell you I think it is very well written and easy to follow. This looks like a strategy I can actually use and I especially like the fact that it's based primarily on price action an no silly lagging indicators other than just the basic ones to ensure you're on the right side of the trend. Very good system!
I have been searching for a long time, wasting money on EA's and many other scam Forex's. This is the first time I have felt comfortable that I may well have found the answer with "50 Pips a Day'. It seems to be very logical after reading it three times.
My Journey in Forex Trading...
It started out with plenty of hopes. Hopes quickly turned to despair and almost financial ruins.

Hi, I'm William Tan. I believe in systematic trading and with the right system anyone can trade. The most important thing when I create systems is the ease of use and ease of execution.
I was constantly having less than $200 in my Bank Account.
I did not come from a rich family. In fact, I was given just one semester tuition by my loving father and that all he could afford for my college tuition. He said that I needed to figure out how to fund my own tuition fees. And if I did not have enough money, I would need to go to New York and work illegally as a dish washer in China Town.
I asked my Dad... "What if I am caught working without a Working Visa?" My Dad just said that we have no other choice but to take this risk. And if I am ever caught... then I will be deported from US and sent home.
That conversation with my Dad matured me and fortunately, I did not have to work illegally in America because I ended with a high paying internship and got myself through college.
Throughout my college years I struggled with my finances and I told myself that I do not ever want to live pay check to check on a monthly basis. I had to find a way to make and the Financial market seems to be the clear answer for me.
Being Constantly Poor as a Young Adult Strengthened My Resolve to Create Residual Income
I started learning about the Financial Markets by being a value investor. It took me 10 years to be a profitable Investor. And then I was introduced to Forex. Being already a good Value Investor, I thought it was time to expand Income stream. Forex provided a good opportunity to generate more cash flow. Help pay the bill... so I thought. I could not be more wrong.
The first account I funded was USD30,000 and I lost it. I topped up another USD10,000 and lost it within 4 months. It was really quite shocking to me as this would never happen in the Stock Market for me.
The Forex Market was a different Beast. Perhaps I underestimated it and paid the price for it. I took one full year off Real Money trading and demo trading to fully understand how to trade the Forex market. I went on beast mode and paid thousands of dollars to learn how to trade. Most of the courses out there are hyped and useless. Most of the so-called Gurus are just marketer out to make a dime.
Demo Trading for 1 year helped shaped my strategy. It allowed me to fine up my approach!
I finally came out with a reliable strategy that I now call 50pips A Day. This system was the first of the many strategies that I now created and until today, I still use this approach to trade the market. In fact, this strategy has worked so well, that I even use this to time my entry into the stock market.
Here's How 50Pips A Day Will Work Wonders for you!
The 50 Pips A Day System is a trend trading system that's based on specific price action to trigger us into action and it works across ALL Forex pair. It's just a simple setup and you can see clearly that the simple setup will always put you on the right side of the trend.

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Don't over-explain in these text sections below each individual image.
Let the images do the talking. If something needs more explaining, add a text block below.
95% of the Trading Decisions Made for You!
If you can follow a few simple rules then you're halfway there!
I'm going to reveal a little of the strategy here...
Firstly, we trade with the trend, this not only lowers our risk but increases our win-rate too!
The rules of 50 Pips A Day™ ensure that we only enter at the lowest possible risk. The strategy does this by making sure that we trade on pullbacks.
Trading on pullbacks is core to the strategy and is why we have very small stop losses on our trades.
The stop loss we get are usually in the 10 - 15 pip range. Which you know, if you're familiar trading Forex, is extremely small.
Buy Low and Sell High with extremely TIGHT Stop Loss on ALL our trades!
The 50Pips a Day Strategy and MT4 Indicator
A proven, tried-and-tested and profitable strategy
Explained step-by-step in great detail
Extremely simple to trade
Easy-to-follow rules
Low-risk entries
Specific rules on when to enter and exit trades
A highly effective trade management strategy
High Reward-to-Risk ratio on trades
Ability to trade any currency pair
Rules on when to stay out of the market
50 Pips A Day™ is not like most of the other Forex "products" out there...
this actually works!
It is a total strategy and there is nothing else to buy or subscribe to.
Once you have ordered you will be taken directly to the instant download page.
There are no upsells to "better" products - this system alone will change your journey.
I can't improve on this even if I tried.
I will just make you a straight offer that is totally ridiculously low price at $47...
I reserve the rights to change the price at any time.
Totally Risk FREE?
Once you have invested in 50 Pips A Day™, we will show you exactly how you can get back
USD90 directly into your trading account by 3 highly reputable brokers.
And the best part, they are all ready and willing to fund your trading account for you.
That's USD90 directly into your trading accounts for you to start trading using 50 Pips A Day™.
(terms and conditions apply)
Time to Take Your Trading to the Next Level... and higher!
You've tried everything that doesn't work in Forex - now it's time you took your trading seriously.
No more over-hype and false promises from shady internet marketers.
It's time to change your trading TODAY!
Click the 'Order Now' button below and in under 60 seconds you will have access to 50 Pips A Day™.
50 Pips A Day™ is the Forex strategy that is going to be responsible for every profitable trade you make from now on.
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